Activities: Indoor Activities

Quest for Learning

Wednesdays from 3:30 – 5:00 PM |August 28 – October 2, 2024


This series is brought to us courtesy of “Quest for Learning, Lancaster, PA.” Our “Quest for Learning” is a  live recorded lecture series at the Summit Community Center. Presenters are University professors/educators, who are experts in their field. Each lecture is a 50-minute presentation. Here ate the weekly topics:

August 28:  The Peoples of the “Lands Between:”  Eastern Europe as a Historical Reality and Myth.

September 4:  Eastern Europe Becomes an American Crisis:  World War I and Its Aftermath.

September 11:  World War II in the Bloodlands: Ukraine and Eastern Europe as Zones of Destruction.

September 18:  Europe Rebuild and Divided: The Cold War, NATO, and America as a Global Power.

September 25:  The Wall Comes Down:  The Collapse of a Super-power and the Emergence of the New Europe.

October 2:  The Russian Invasion of Ukraine:  A return to the Past?

There is no cost to participate in Quest for Learning, but you do need to be a member of Summit 50 Plus.  So, if you’re no longer an active member, please sign up or renew your membership online using the preceding link.  If you need help, call the Community Center front desk at 970-668-2940.

Learn more about Quest for Learning here

If you would like more information, please contact Nina Holmquist at or Mickie Parsons at

Sign up for Quest for Learning

Acoustic String Jam

Every Thursday, 4-5:30PM

Do you play an acoustic stringed instrument? This is a fun group with no pressure, just spending time jamming together. All acoustic string musicians are welcome: guitars, banjos, fiddles, mandolins, harps…you name it. Please email Tim Figge at if you are interested in learning more. When emailing, please share your interest level, what instrument you will be playing. Come join us!

Strength & Balance

Wednesdays from 9:30AM to 10:15AM

Reduce your risk of falling by performing agility exercises and placing positive stress on the bones, muscles, and cardiovascular system to keep them healthy and strong. Walk with more assurance and confidence. This is a fun class for all levels to improve your range of motion and ability to move your body quickly, easily, and with control & balance.

Dominoes | Mexican Train

Every Tuesday at 1pm to 3:30-4pm (depending on how many people we have)

A fun group that plays Mexican Train. If you have never played, we will teach you.  The game takes about 2 minutes to learn. Dominoes are available at the Senior Center or you may bring your own.  We meet in the hobby room. Come early for a delicious lunch with Chef Sam.

Beginning June 6 we will also be playing at 6pm for the summer.  The 1pm group will continue to meet. Please contact Carol at (847) 903-4521 or for more information.


Sum Ukes

The group meets every Tuesday from 4-5:30PM (no meetings in December).

This is a fun group of players with varying abilities who enjoy playing and singing together and occasionally performing in the community.

New members with experience are welcome. Please call Ginny (970-476-5008) if you are interested in joining this group.

There will be a new session of “Ukes 101” sometime this fall for anyone interested in learning to play ukulele! Be sure to check our Facebook page for the start date and other details. All are welcome.

Upcoming Performances:

  • We have finished our summer performances and are working on new songs for our next gigs. Thanks to everyone who supported us this summer! Hope to see you soon!

Medicare Counseling

By appointment only. Trained volunteers are available once a month to assist in answering your questions about Medicare.
Trained volunteers are available once a month to assist in answering your questions about Medicare. Vintage (local area agency on aging) is the lead on for this program. Contact Jonnah at for more information. To sign up for an appointment at the Summit County Community Center, use the link below or call (970) 668-2940.

Care Navigator

By appointment

Opportunity to discuss resources in the community and assist with finding services. Call (970) 668-2943 for an appointment.

Caregiver Support Group

First Wednesday of the month, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

If you are caring for someone who is elderly, ill, disabled or experiencing dementia, plan to visit a support group this month.  Support groups provide a safe, caring, upbeat environment to share experiences and receive encouragement and education from one another.  Contact Roger Abdella at 970-668-2943 for more information.

Timberline Toppers Square Dance Club

Select Saturdays, usually at 6PM

A fun activity of moving with a partner, in patterns as directed by the professional “caller”. For those without a partner, the Club welcomes singles and they enjoy dancing with several other singles. Square Dance is good exercise that is mentally challenging without fancy footwork. Most dances are at the Senior & Community Center.

Mainstream and Plus dances 1st and 3rd Saturdays. To view the Timberline Toppers calendar, please visit our website. For more information, contact Dave Bernhard, 703-887-5421 or email

Great Decisions

Wednesdays from 3:30PM – 5:30PM | January 31- April 3, 2024

Eight members of Summit 50 Plus volunteer to take a topic and present the subject, show the DVD, and lead a question and answer session over a 2 hour period at the Community Center. The session can also be viewed via zoom. The format of the program is intended to promote thoughtful discourse and opinions, and learn from others. It is noteworthy that rarely, if ever, we hear disrespectful discourse at the Summit Great Decision meetings.

There is no cost to participate in Great Decisions, but you do need to be a member of Summit 50 Plus. So, if you’re no longer an active member, please sign up or renew your membership online using the preceding link. If you need help, call the Community Center front desk at 970-668-2940.

Learn About Great Decisions 2024

2024 Great Decisions

Former Yale University President Kingman Brewster Jr observed “A nation, like a person, needs to believe that it has a mission larger than itself.” FDR observed just before WWII “ This generation has a rendezvous with destiny.” Michel Mazant, political scientist at the Rand Corporation, writes “ In the struggle for advantage among world powers, it is not military or economic might that makes the critical differences, but the fundamental qualities of a society, the characteristics of a nation that generates economic productivity, technological innovation, social cohesion, and national will.” Mazant notes that most competitive societies “place strong social emphasis on learning and adaptation.”


The Summit Senior members that participate in Great Decisions place a high value on learning and constructive discourse. The Foreign Policy Association believes “America must address frontally the growing domestic polarization that undermines our democracy and contributes to a corrosive lack of mutual respect and discourse”.


If you would like more information on Great Decisions, please contact Harold Herring at

Learn About Buying the Great Decisions Book

For close to 20 years, the Summit Senior Center has hosted the Great Decisions program.  The non-political Foreign Policy Association choses EIGHT (8) topics that are important to the US foreign policy and publishes a book available at the Great Decisions bookstore for $35.  Click here to see an image of the front cover of the latest Great Decisions Book.  Great Decisions also produces a professionally made DVD. These materials help participants reach informed opinions on the issues. 


Sign Up for Great Decisions

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View the Great Decisions 2024 Weekly Topics

The session topics are as follows:

  1. Mideast Realignment – Carlton Thornbury 1/31/24
    By Marc Lynch

    The United States and Middle East are at a crossroads. In spite of a reduced presence in the Middle East, the U.S. still has significant national interests there and the area is a key arena for global power politics. Can the U.S. continue to defend its interests in the Middle East and globally with a lower level of military and political involvement, or should it recommit to a leading
    role in the region?

  2. Climate technology and competition – Herb Sutherland 2/07/24
    By Bud Ward

    Will the United States and China, with other powerful countries following suit, approach current and future climate initiatives with an increased commitment to
    trade protectionism and nationalism, by various measures including trade restrictions? Or could a growing spirit of international accord develop to confront the “common enemy” of climate change?

  3. Science across borders – Harold and Lee 2/14/24
    By Mila Rosenthal

    Scientific advances benefit from collaboration between researchers, but what happens when material, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) is controversial and important to a nation’s national security? Is there a middle ground between sharing information and denying access? How can we regulate cooperation?

  4. US-China trade rivalry – Bob Cardwell 2/21/24
    By Jonathan Chanis

    China’s economic rise and its current policies of increasing the role of the state in the economy have led some U.S. policymakers to seek to deny China access
    to U.S. technology and investment. This is seen as a necessary corrective to decades of predatory Chinese economic policies. Is this a wise strategy, and how
    effective can it be?

  5. NATO’s future – Brian Hanly – 2/28/24
    By Sarwar Kashmeri

    Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has come under increased scrutiny, not because NATO troops are involved in the conflict, but because of its role in relations between Russia and its neighbors. Will expanding membership in NATO protect countries, or will it further provoke Russia?

  6. Understanding Indonesia – 3/13/24
    By Charles Sullivan

    Despite its large size, Indonesia remains virtually invisible to most Americans. But as one of the world’s largest democracies, the world’s largest Muslim-majority
    nation, and as an economic driver of ASEAN, why does it fly below the radar? What are current issues in U.S.-Indonesian relations, and what role can the country play in Asia?

  7. High Seas Treaty – Ty Drake – 3/20/24
    By FPA editors

    Areas of the seas beyond national jurisdiction comprise the high seas, which are facing a degradation of ecosystems due to climate change and the increase in human activities, such as shipping, overfishing, pollution, and deep-sea mining. The recently negotiated High Seas Treaty, also known as the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction Treaty, will attempt to address these issues. How difficult will it be to convince nations to participate?

  8. Pandemic preparedness – Lynda Birkelback 4/3/24
    By Carolyn Reynolds

    Looking back at the COVID-19 pandemic, there are many lessons to take away in terms of domestic and international policies. Although this pandemic seems to have waned, how can we apply these lessons to future pandemics? Will countries cooperate, and will a consensus emerge on how to manage global health challenges?

Fiber Art Club

Every Friday, 2-4 p.m.
1st & 3rd in person at SCCSC
2nd & 4th – Zoom

We knit, crochet, spin, needle point, hand work/sew, and weave. We welcome other forms of Fiber Arts. We enjoy the creativity everyone brings to the group. We learn from each other and increase our creativity.  For more details, please call Pat Larson at 970-390-4599 or email

Computer Help Seminar

Computer Help Seminar (also referred to as Tech Help) is currently paused. If you are interested in this volunteer opportunity, contact Summit 50 Plus at (970) 668-2940.

Tech Help

Tech help is currently paused. Please check back for further updates.

Scam Alert

Scams are recently on the rise.  According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), anyone who demands payments by gift card is always a scammer.  Gift cards should never be used as payments to someone asking for money.  Here is an FTC web link with more information on gift card scams.

Another fraud scheme that’s on the rise is the “imposter” scam.  For more information on various imposter scams, please once again visit this web link on the FTC website.

Cards & Games

Every Thursday, 1:00 – 4:00 PM

We are a fluid group that comes together to play cards or games. We usually meet in the hobby room of the Senior Center. We play weekly, normally year round, as folks are in town. All Summit Seniors members can join us. We furnish cards, games we can pull out, and visit a lot. We enjoy our time together, win or lose. Bring yourself, your jokes, your laugh and join us. For more details, please call Linda McKinley at 970-389-3212 or email

Happy Hour Book Club

Second Wednesday of the month, 4:30 p.m.

The Happy Hour Book Club meets monthly, for one hour, to discuss a book that has been chosen by the group. We select our books in November for the following year. There is always a mix of fiction and non-fiction. Our discussions are casual and everyone is encouraged to participate.  For more details, please contact Jan Goodwin by email at or  Lynn Amstutz by email at

2023-24 Book Club Schedule

December 13, 2023:   THE MOON IS DOWN by John Steinbeck (fiction)


January 19, 2024: LESSONS IN CHEMISTRY by Bonnie Garmus (fiction)
Suggested by Kathie Ballah


February 14, 2024: LOOKING FOR JANE by Heather Marshall (fiction, inspired by true stories)
Suggested by Jane Johnston


March 13, 2024: SHADOW DIVERS by Robert Kurson (non-fiction)
Suggested by Jane Johnston


April 10, 2024: HE SUN DOES SHINE by Anthony Ray Hinton (non-fiction)
Suggested by Lynn Amstuz & Jan Goodwin


May 8, 2024: CARNEGIE’S MAID by Marie Benedict (historical fiction)
Suggested by Michal Stefanacci


June 12, 2024: THE EMERALD MILE by Kevin Fedarko (non-fiction)
Suggested by Deirdre Cebry


July 10, 2024: HELLO BEAUTIFUL by Ann Napolitano (fiction)
Suggested by Deirdre Cebry


August 14, 2024: FEVER IN THE HEARTLAND: THE KKK’S PLOT TO TAKE OVER AMERICA by Timothy Egan (non-fiction)
Suggested by Lynn Amstuz


September 11, 2024: THE DIAMOND EYE by Kate Quinn (historical fiction)
Suggested by Sharon Copper


October 9, 2024: THE ART THIEF by Michael Finkel (non-fiction)
Suggested by Kathie Ballah


November 13, 2024: THE COVENANT OF WATER by Abraham Verghese (historical fiction)
Suggested by Irene Hayes & Michal Stefanacci


December 11, 2024: THE GOOD EARTH by Pearl S. Buck (fiction)
Suggested by Nancy Hines

Tai Chi

New 12 week class starting June 13, 2024!

We are thrilled to announce a brand new class that we will be offering through our “Aging Gracefully” series – Tai Chi for Arthritis. Tai Chi improves strength, flexibility, aerobic conditioning, and balance. It’s been proven to improve cardiovascular fitness, lower blood pressure, prevent falls and help people who have arthritis. This class is a benefit to everyone, whether you have arthritis or not, and accommodations will be available for all movements (and chairs will be available).

Come ready to have fun! Wear fitting shoes and comfortable clothing. And don’t forget your water bottle. Class will be presented by the wonderful Lizzy de Guia, RN Trauma Program Specialist at St. Anthony/Common Spirit. Call the front desk with any questions (970) 668-2940. Please sign up by clicking the link below. Even if you can’t make the first class, please sign up so we can send you info!

Quilting & Sewing

Every fourth Monday (except December), 5:30 PM

We are a group of people who like to work with fabric—quilting or otherwise. Persons with any skill level are welcome to join our group to learn and share ideas. The meetings are informal. Some people do handwork during the meetings; Group sewing retreats are scheduled several times per year.  Please bring your own project and material to work on. For details, contact Sharon Maroni at


Mondays & Fridays, 10:00AM – 11:15AM

Melinda’s yoga classes vary depending on who shows up and what their experience is, and what their expectations are for the day. It is truly a community-centered offering!

Typically, one can expect the practice to include  breathing, moving in coordination with breathing, balancing, strengthening and stretching. The classes begin and end with mindfulness and intention and the students “tune in” with mantras and close with a song. Melinda teaches from her experiences with Kundalini, Hatha, Vinyasa, and Yin yoga, and offers and encourages modifications and even chair yoga.

All levels are welcome. Most people leave a $5 contribution for the instructor as she is not paid. Mats are available.

Summit Community Cafe Lunch

Every Tuesday & Thursday, 12:00 PM; reservation required. Meal reservations are required by 9:00 AM the day of the meal.

Meal reservations are required by 9:00 AM the day of the meal. Click on the link below or call the Summit County Community Center Front Desk at (970) 668-2940 to make a reservation. Note that you will NOT receive a call-back to confirm your reservation. Lunches are $8.00, payable by cash or check. Checks should be made payable to SCG. Menus are subject to change.

Menus are determined on a monthly basis

Sign up for an Upcoming Lunch

AARP Safe Driving Class

Call (970) 668-2940 for schedule

A fast-paced 4-hour class with updated information and activities. Complies with insurance discounts in most states. Participants have given good reviews and enjoy the session. Call (970) 668-2940 or enroll at the Summit County Community Center.

GALS Group

First Wednesday of the month at 4:00PM

This is a women’s  social group, open to all women that are members of Summit 50 Plus.  GALS usually meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 4PM at a restaurant or a member’s home. Participants bring an appetizer to share and a beverage of their choice if meeting at a private home. These gatherings provide an opportunity to meet  new friends, exchange ideas and the potential for planning future shared experiences.  Contact either Bev Muraski at 937-307-9914 or Carole Woodbury at 303-437-5622, the GALS co-chairs, for up to date information.


Every Tuesday & Thursday from 1-4PM

We play American mahjong with tiles and a structured card which changes annually. Not only is it challenging but strategy, skill, downright luck and the ability to change your original plan will help you make a mahjong. Since we all play with the same card, we have winter and summer visitors eager to join the local Summit County residents.  Please come and play with us  in the Hobby Room at the Senior Center.


Summit 50 Plus offers a number of bridge groups for all levels during a range of days and times. Browse the list below to find the right game for you or view all bridge groups on the calendar.

Never-Ever Bridge Classes

Never-Ever Bridge Classes


Never played bridge before but have an interest in exploring the game? Always heard it was too hard to learn? Don’t know how to start? We make learning fun and easy!

You will play card games to reinforce the lesson while laying a foundation to play bridge. You will play basic games on Day 1! All lessons are taught by local Master Players. The instruction is paced for those who have NEVER played bridge or even played card games before! Those with experience should wait until our Bunny Slope or Green Slope lessons begin. Watch the Summit 50Plus website and the Summit Daily events calendar for additional information.

The cost for the course is only $10 to allow you to have a fun “test” drive! Once you have finished this course you will be ready for the next step, our Bunny Slope classes! Come meet new friends and neighbors, have fun and form a love for an international game! Questions or want to register? Contact Chris Dorton ( or 970-363-9580).

Novice Bridge

1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 12:45 p.m.Limited to players with up to 199 master points. You must come with a partner. For partners, call Howard Brown at (970) 468-2313.
Cost: $4/person
Preceded by a mini lesson at 12:20, no cost
Contact Chris Dorton ( or 970-363-9580) to let him know you plan to attend or with questions.

Party Bridge

Every Thursday, 12:45 p.m.

Cost: Free

ACBL Duplicate Bridge

Every Monday & Friday, 12:45 p.m. Open to all levels of bridge players

Contact Brenda Alberico ( or 815 258 5843). You must come with a partner.  For partners, call Howard Brown at (970) 468-2313.

Cost: $4/person